
React Native 実践本のメモ

React Native 〜 JavaScriptによるiOS/Androidアプリ開発の実践GitHub)を読んで、0.62だと動かなかったので、取り急ぎその対応メモ。

Argument of type 'string | ReactTestInstance' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Pick'. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Pick'.

+[0] as any);

Error: expect(jest.fn()).toBeCalled() Expected number of calls: >= 1 Received number of calls: 0

# package.json
jest: {
  "setupFilesAfterEnv": ["./jest.setup.js"],

# jest.setup.js
jest.mock('react-native/Libraries/Components/Touchable/TouchableOpacity', () => 'TouchableOpacity');

No overload matches this call. Overload 1 of 2, '(props: Pick & { children: ReactNode; style?: StyleProp; theme: Theme; }, \"style\" | ... 52 more ... | \"onTouchEndCapture\"> & { ...; } & { ...; } & { ...; }, \"onPress\" | ... 63 more ... | \"contentStyle\"> & { ...; }, context?: any): ReactElement<...> | ... 1 more ... | null', gave the following error. Property 'accessibilityStates' is missing in type '{ children: \"\" | Element | undefined; accessibilityLabel: string; icon: string; mode: \"contained\"; onPress: () => void; }' but required in type 'Pick & { children: ReactNode; style?: StyleProp; theme: Theme; }, \"style\" | ...

yarn add patch-package postinstall-postinstall
vim node_modules/@types/react-native/index.d.ts

# `accessibilityState?: AccessibilityState;` の下に追加
accessibilityStates?: any; 

yarn patch-package @types/react-native

React、React Native、TypeScript初心者なので、色々とはまる 🤣

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